Sergey Golovko

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Sergey Nikolay'ch Golovko is a character that appears in several Tom Clancy novels.


The Cardinal of the Kremlin

In 1986, Golovko was a KGB intelligence officers and was Jack Ryan's counterpart in the arms reduction talks.

The Sum of All Fears

By 1990, Golovko had become the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for State Security (KGB).

Debt of Honor

With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Golovko had become the new Chairman of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).

Executive Orders

In 1996, Golovko helped John Clark and Domingo Chavez travel to Tehran under a Russian cover so that they could target Mahmoud Daryaei.

Rainbow Six

In 1999 three terrorists attacks had been foiled by the newly formed Rainbow. With three attacks being too much of a coincidence in such a short time span, John Clark sought to contact Golovko to gain information on any former KGB agent with the ability to orchestrate these attacks.

The Bear and the Dragon

While on his way to work in Moscow in 2002, a white armored Mercedes that was identical to the one he was in was shot with RPG-7, killing the occupants inside. An investigation of the incident by Russian police and intelligence officers pointed to the involvement of Chinese intelligence and suggested that Golovko was the real target. After the failed attempt on the SVR director's life, the Chinese later plotted to assassinate the Russian president, but their agent, also a former KGB officer, was arrested by the FSB.

Command Authority


In The Cardinal of the Kremlin, he gave Ryan the patronymic, Ivan Emmetovich which translates to "John, son of Emmet".
