Shadow Watch:Baikonur

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Welcome to Baikonur.

Baikonur is an odd remnant of the former Soviet Union. It is a small city, built exclusively to house the Soviet space program and its launch facilities. It was a populous and prestigious post for much of the latter half of the 20th Century. However, with the demise of the Soviet Union, Baikonur found itself an oasis of Russia in the midst of a newly independent state - Kazakhstan.

The expertise of the workers and scientists at Baikonur makes this site very important to the project. As Russia dissolves further and further into chaos, however, it becomes a very difficult site to support. We maintain only a small advisory team here, since on-site personnel know their jobs better perhaps than any in the world. It appears that the chaos consuming their homeland has found the Russians here.

Last week, three of the Russian scientists responsible for crucial portions of the project were murdered by unknown assailants. The killing threw an already fractious community into an uproar. The Russian Army, which is tasked with protecting the project and its personnel, is mobilizing. The scientists, outraged and fearful, have hired a small but powerful force of armed mercenaries to protect them, which has antagonized the Russian Army. Kazak authorities are also keeping a close eye on the situation.

You must discover the truth behind the killings, and restore smooth operations to the Baikonur site as soon as possible.


  • Ormantayev
  • Barininova
  • Evanov