Shadow Watch:Barininova

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Science Director Barininova is the administrative head of the project in Baikonur. Despite her youth, Barininova is one of the finest rocketry specialists in the world. She has served in every major section of the Russian scientific community, including jet propulsion, atmospherics, nuclear physics, and metallurgy. She is a fiercely intelligent woman at the height of her career and scientific output.

Her rampant success at everything she had tried has left her with a towering ego, however. Voice stress analysts point out that she never says more than one sentence without some form of the word I. She is also unusually susceptible to flattery, and can easily be led in illogical directions using it. She subjects everything to a rigid scientific analysis, expect her own decisions.

Barininova is an employee of the Corporation for the duration of the project. She will be your primary contact in Baikonur. She is not cleared to receive any classified information, but work closely with her.