Shadow Watch:Bento Altacia

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Altacia is one of Brazil's rising stars and a personal friend of many in the Corporations' Brasilia offices. When he cashed in his father's political favors and created the position of Minister of Space ten years ago, it was seen as a harmless indulgence to a wastrel playboy.

Altacia swiftly built Brazil's space program from a curiosity to a world power. Brazil now operates more communications satellites than any other nation except the United States, and contracts its services to a dozen other nations, including much of Europe and Japan.

Altacia combines an easy charm and natural good looks with unquestionable political cunning. Private sources believe that Altacia is waiting for the completion of the Space Station to launch a national or even international political career.

Altacia is a highly paid consultant to the Corporation, serving as Chief Advisor to the project. He is to be treated with the same respect as a Corporate officer. Without his help, the project will fail in Brazil.