Shadow Watch:Gennady Roschinko

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GENNADY ROSCHINKO is the team hacker and gadget man. A small dark youth, he was born in southern Russia before his parents emigrated to Israel when he was young. His technical skills impressed the Israeli government, but his heart did not lie with Israel. Instead, he chose the Corporation.

Gennady is the intelligence of the team. While not as smart as Lily or as discerning as Archer, his ability to absorb and retain raw information approaches total recall. He is constantly absorbed in high technology. However, his interest is not to be an inverter, but rather a refiner, bending the latest gadget to a useful implementation. He is a gifted hacker, but regards computers as tools rather than an end in themselves. Gennady is often paired with Lily in stealth missions; the two manage to cause grievous damage to enemy operations even without firing a shot. Gennady is also the most nondescript in appearance, so the rare undercover tasks usually fall to him. His is the voice of intelligence, in both senses of the word.



Gennady carries a millimeter-wave Sensor with him on missions. A red Sensor icon appears on Gennady at all times. Gennady may expend an Action Point and use the Sensor. This Reveals any Opponents in a 90 degree arc five tiles long in the direction Gennady is facing.


Gennady creates tiny electronic surveillance devices, called Bugs. These Bugs can, if placed in strategic locations in a Mission Map, reveal information about enemy movements and plans. When Gennady learns the Plant Bugs Skill, he can place these Bugs, and the Mission Type Surveillance becomes available to the player. On a Surveillance Mission, certain tiles will be revealed as Surveillance Tiles. When Gennady is standing and facing an adjacent Surveillance Tile, a white Plant Bug icon appears in the Surveillance Tile. Gennady may then plant a Bug in the tile.


By tinkering with his already highly experimental Sensor, Gennady is able to coax more range out of the device. When he leans the Deep Scan Skill, his Sensor reveals Opponents in a much longer area. When the Sensor is activated, it Reveals any Opponents in a 90 degree arc 10 tiles long in the direction Gennady is facing.


Gennady explores the electromechanical end of his technological spectrum. When he learns the Pick Locks Skill, he can quickly and silently pick the locked Doors the team encounters. If Gennady is facing a Locked Door in an adjacent tile, the White Pick icon will appear on the Door. Gennady may then Pick the Lock. This will unlock the Door, but not open it.


With additional training, Gennady is able to understand and neutralize enemy security systems. When Gennady learns the Crack Security Skill, he is able to reduce enemy readiness at the target Mission Map. When Gennady is on the Mission Team, the Alertness Level of the Opponents is lowered by one step, with a minimum of Low.


Gennady discovers that the problem with the Sensor often is not range, but its arc of detection. He increases the operating arc significantly. When he learns the Wide Scan Skill, his Sensor reveals Opponents in a much wider area. When the Sensor is activated, it Reveals any Opponents in a 180 degree arc 10 tiles long in the direction Gennady is facing.


Gennady explores the use of more powerful receivers in his Bugs. When he learns the Better Bugs Skill, he is able to increase the gain on the bugs so much that only one Bug needs to be placed in order for a Surveillance Mission to be considered a success.


Powerful surveillance technologies allow Gennady to gather a good deal of information about a Mission site before the Team enters. When he learns the External Survey Skill, he surveys the site and determines where items or people are located. When he accompanies a Theft, Raid, Rescue or Kidnap mission, he can pinpoint the location of the Item or Hostage.


With long experience and some additional electronics training, Gennady is able to raise his Sensor to its highest power level. When he learns the External Scan Skill, Gennady cross-links his surveillance, sensor, and security knowledge bases together. He is able to piggyback a sensor signal over the target's own security and communications systems to scan the entire Mission Map before the Mission begins. All Opponents are Revealed before the first Turn of the Mission; Gennady receives Experience Points for each one.


With additional training and experience, Gennady is able to thoroughly understand not only the enemy's security systems, but also their coded communications. When Gennady learns the Spoof Skill, he is able to sow serious confusion among the enemy ranks by simulating a security breach at another location. When Gennady is on the Mission Team, the Guard Level of the Opponents is lowered by one step, with a minimum of Low.