Shadow Watch:Hong Kong

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Welcome to Hong Kong.

You will be operating in a highly politicized environment. When the Chinese decided to cooperate in the ISS project, Western nations forced the Chinese to adhere to strict guidelines. In order to prevent unauthorized technology transfer, all high-technology work must be done within Hong Kong, under the tight control of a Western corporation - us. These strictures antagonized the Chinese government; in response, they have placed harsh restrictions on the project workers and on our administrative staff, which has angered the workers and our people. It was unlikely that the project could proceed smoothly.

Forty-eight hours ago, a small explosive device damaged our electronics assembly facility. No personnel were harmed, and little significant damage was done. However, the implications of our security failure are clear: what was done once can be done again, with more powerful explosives. The Chinese government has taken the opportunity to demand that all project security be placed under the control of the Chinese Army, which may be merely opportunistic.

You must discover and stop whoever is behind the attack upon our facilities. In addition to the obvious suspects amongst the Chinese Army, there is significant political unrest within Hong Kong itself, as well as a powerful criminal element.


  • Walter Tang
  • Fat Tony
  • Qong Po