Shadow Watch:Mansion Raid

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Take an object by force.

Up to 3 team members enter the Map searching for a specific object, using full force on anyone who tries to stop them.

The team wins when a team member takes the object and all team members exit safely.


Maria: Wow. Like, I thought the big cop might be smuggling stuff out of our office, but this is amazing. I mean, there are plans here I've never seen, and I'm the Minister's private secretary.

And this isn't all your Corporation's stuff. This is everything you'd need to build your own satellites, I think. This is like national security stuff too, maybe. I don't know. Is all satellite information classified?

Player: The Corporation files should be.

Maria: I thought so. I mean, that's why you guys have the BSA guards all over the facility, right? Only they're never around when the cops come.

Look, there has to be some insiders in on this. I mean, these plans are too good. This is almost everything. No way could just a dumb cop get this stuff by accident. Somebody, or somebodies, must be feeding the big cop the right stuff. And that means there's at least one traitor in the office.

Player: I think you may be in danger.
Maria: Well, do you? I mean, unless you made a big scene at the mansion... well, I guess you did. They would have identified you, traced the Corporate connection...

Where is everybody? Why did the music stop?

Mission: Nightclub Defend

Player: There's this list in the cop's briefcase.
Maria: Yeah, but it's nonsense, right? I mean, all these names: Mercutio, Pindar, Thibalt. I don't recognize any of them. They must be a code list, right? They must match up with a real list somewhere. And some of them are crossed off... I'll bet this list matches up with a list somewhere else. I'll bet that list is in the police station. Makes sense to me.

Mission: Police Station Raid

Player: Tell me more about this cop.

Maria: Tonaverron is, like, pure evil. He's a giant fat guy. The cops around here used to be okay, you know? Maybe a little extra shooting on the side, and they never liked protests or political stuff like that, but generally okay.

But then this guy shows up, and it all goes real bad real quick. He's gotten fatter and richer, and you know that can't be good. I hear he's got great connections, and that he's really, really vindictive.

Player: He can't be doing this alone.
Maria: Well, I guess not. In with all the plans is this list of names, right? Well, I don't recognize any of the names. Some of them are crossed off. Wait. This list is on half a sheet of paper, right?

I'll bet the other half is in the police station. He runs that place like a little kingdom, and all those cops are loyal. I'll bet you can get that list from there with just a little poking around.

Mission: Police Station Raid

Player: Vindictive?

Maria: Like, really vindicate. There's this one story about this one politician who denied Tonaverron a promotion, just because Tonaverron was, like, really evil. So Tonaverron just had him killed. Right out in the open. Sent in some cops to shoot him down right in front of his family. So yeah, he's vindictive. He'll send cops anywhere to shoot anything he wants shot. Why? What are you looking around like that for?

Mission: Nightclub Defend

Player: I think you may be in danger.

Maria: What do you mean? Look, I didn't give him any of this information. I'm not going to stand here if you're going to threaten me.

I mean, look at all this stuff. And there's this coded list of names, right? I can't be all those people! I can't believe you'd stand right there and threaten me.

Player: What list?
Maria: This one. I told you about it, right? Oops! This is one of the things I found on the copier once. See? It's got all these names down the side, with checkmarks and everything. Some of them are crossed off. I don't know the names: Greg, Peter, Bobby, Marcia... nobody named those things works at the office. So I guess they're code names. And since the list wasn't in his briefcase, it must be at the police station. Yeah. I'll bet if you can get that list, we can figure out who the traitors are.

Mission: Police Station Raid

Player: I meant in danger from him.
Maria: Oh. Sorry. Well, maybe, I guess. There was that story about the politician that he hated, so he sent in some cops just to shoot him, right in front of his family. Yeah. If he was mad at somebody, he'd probably just send in a bunch of cops to shoot them.

Mission: Nightclub Defend