Shadow Watch:Maria's Missions

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Maria: Thank you so much for responding to my message. I know this is unusual. At least, I hope it's unusual. I just wanted to meet somewhere where I knew we couldn't be overheard.

I just wanted to talk to you before you had a chance to start looking into the mess around the project in Rio. There are a lot of things going on that you need to know about first.

Player: Who are you?

Maria: My name is Maria de Neves. I work for bento... I mean, Minister Alcia.

I'm very worried about him. He's seemed really distracted lately, and now this protest thing just blows up in his face. I'm woried about the project now.

Player: Is somebody threatening him?
Maria: Well, see, I'm not sure. But I think so. See, the police captain has gotten really close the your project lately, like calling Ben-- Minister Altacia every day. And there's a lot more cops around the office, and on the project site.

The cops are not really cops, I don't think. See, I think they are, but they're doing something else too. It's way too soon to know for sure, but I think a lot of the plans for your project are, like, missing, or sometimes I find them on the copier when they shouldn't be, and stuff like that. The police chief lives in a big, hideous mansion up in the hills. If he's stealing stuff, it'll be up there. I'd look for his big briefcase. He always brings that to the office.

Mission: Mansion Raid

Player: Is he doing something wrong?
Maria: Well, see, I don't... I think maybe... look, I don't know. All I know is we used to produce a lot of status reports for your Corporation, and now we don't. Like we especially don't do all the accounts.

Look, I don't want to say that the Minister is stealing from you, but I don't know what else to think. I thought maybe you should check that out before you worried about the protest, tight? Bento, I mean Minister Altacia, always takes his briefcase back to his restaurant every night. If there's any way you could, you know, get a look inside, or copy it, or something without him knowing? I think, that, you know, it might, like, tip you off if there's something really wrong.

Mission: Restaurant Thief

Player: I should be talking with the police.

Maria: Right now, I really don't think so. There's a lot about that you need to know first. Look, the police chief here is really brutal. If something goes wrong, you don't call the cops, unless you want them taking your stuff while they investigate a crime one of them probably did.

They've been hanging around the project a lot lately. Like, a lot. Talking to the workers, getting inside the file rooms, like everything. I think they might be up to something.

Player: Like what?
Maria: Well, look, I don't know. I thought maybe you could figure that kind of thing out.

All I know is that nasty police chief comes around the project way too much. He always shows up with a real big briefcase, and then takes it right home. If he's stealing stuff from the project, you can probably find that briefcase full of it. He lives in this huge nasty mansion up in the hills.

Player: Didn't you report their behavior?
Maria: To who? The Minister knows that they're around, duh, and if he were worried about it he would have talked to you already, right? Look, I'm reporting it now.

That nasty police chief comes around every other day with a real big suitcase. He always leaves and goes right to his big ugly mansion up in the hills. If you want to find out what's going on, go grab that briefcase.

Player: I should be talking with the Minister.

Maria: Well, like, that's why I sent you the message. I work pretty closely with bento... I mean, Minister Altacia. I'm not sure...

Look, I don't want to get him in trouble or anything, but I think he might be getting himself in trouble, you know? Like, I really don't want to rat him out if it's, like, a little thing, but I think it might not be.

Player: Is this related to the protest?
Maria: Well, you know, I don't think so, but since I don't really know what it is, that's really hard for me to say, you know?

Now he comes into the office every day with this big briefcase that he never used to have before, and he takes it with him to his restaurant every night. I think... well, I don't know what's in it exactly, but I know it's odd. Maybe you could get a look at it without letting him know you were? Cause it might be bad for you to get caught spying on the Minister.

Player: What do you think it is?
Maria: Well, I... I don't know. I think... It's hard to say.

All I know is it's been forever since we've rebalanced the account books, especially the cash. And we have a lot of that, because a lot of the workers have to be paid in cash, you know? Bento, I mean, Minister Altacia has started carrying this big briefcase in his office every day, and then taking it to his restaurant every night. Is there a way you could, like, peek at it, without him knowing it? I mean, it would be real bad if you were to get caught spying on the Minister who's sponsoring your project, right?