Shadow Watch:Rio de Janeiro

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Welcome to Rio de Janeiro.

Brazil's participation in the project has been solid and strong. The Brazilian Space Agency, while young, is staffed with intelligent and skilled personnel eager to contribute. The entire undertaking has been exemplary of the effect a multinational scientific effort can have on the contributor nations.

A pall has been cast over the project, however. While much of the work is occurring in government offices in Brasilia, there are some small offices in Rio, many owned by us. Three days ago, a large and unexpected crowd of demonstrators against the project blockaded one of our offices. When police arrived, the demonstration quickly turned violent. Some police officers were injured, and a dozen demonstrators were killed.

Brazilian authorities are at a loss to explain the protest. Many of the demonstrators were affiliated with the Order of Light, a growing religious cult headquartered just outside the city. Church officials deny involvement, but blame the police for escalating the violence.

You must investigate the situation, using the threat to our facilities as cover your interest. The situation must not escalate further and endanger the project.



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