Shadow Watch:Triad

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The criminal underworld in Hong Kong groups itself in gangs known variously as Tongs or Triads. In recent years, there has been an enormous consolidation among the triads of Hong Kong, to the point where there is effectively only one, known as the Organization or the Triad.

The triad engages in normal underworld activities, such as vice, gambling, and protection. The Triad is not nearly as violent as its gangster element suggests, especially since the consolidation of power under a man known as Shao Jin.

Recently, as Chinese-western conflicts have risen, the Triad has found itself trading in information more than anything else. Hong Kong is the portal to the West of China, and many things flow through the hands of the Triad.

The Corporation's experience with the Triad has been positive, provided that the power monies and respects are paid.