Karel Skala

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Karel Skala is a character that appears in the novel, Full Force and Effect.


In 2010, Skala was approached by North Korea to forge documentation that would enable skilled labor to enter North Korea and work at the mining operation in the city of Chongju which is funding North Korea's nuclear weapons program. Skala gave the documents to an employee of Sharps Global Intelligence Partners named Colin Hazelton who was supposed to hand them off to another employee named Veronika Martel in Ho Chi Minh City. During the meeting, Hazelton reveals his change in heart and refuses to give Martel the documents. Later, Martel is killed by motorcyclists who recover the documents and deliver them to Martel. Just before Hazelton dies, he manages to scribble a note with the words "Skala" and "DPRK"

The Campus later deduces Hazelton's scribble to mean Karel Skala and travel to Prague to find Skala. Jack Ryan, Jr., Dominic Caruso, and Gavin Biery track Skala to his apartment where he has been hiding out from the North Koreans. Skala reveals that he was recently threatened by the North Koreans to forge more documents for them. Skala agrees to leave with the Campus agents but they are attacked by a team of North Koreans while making preparations to leave. The Campus operators survive the attack but Skala is killed.

Template:Characters/Full Force and Effect