Veronika Martel

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Veronika Martel is a character that appears in the novel, Full Force and Effect.


Martel is a former intelligence officer of the General Directorate for External Security. She later left the GDES to join an American-based firm called Sharps Global Intelligence Partners which specialized in corporate espionage and investigations. In 2010, Martel traveled to Ho Chi Minh City to meet another Sharps employee Colin Hazelton for a hand off. Hazelton tells Martel that he realizes the work they have been doing regarding a mining operation that they have been overseeing in the city of Chongju is in the interests of North Korea. He then tells her that he has had a change of heart and refuses to hand over the forged documents to her. After the meeting, Martel gathers a group of Australian geologists at a safe house that are being staged to travel to North Korea to work at the mining operation. Hazelton is killed by a group of motorcyclists who then deliver the documents to Martel.

Later, Martel travels to Las Vegas under the alias of Élise Legrande. At a refinery, she later meets Campus agent Jack Ryan, Jr. who is posing as an investor. Ryan, who is fully aware of Legrande's identity as Martel, invites her to his hotel room. While Ryan distracts her, Dominic Caruso goes to her hotel room and begins searching it. Martel is notified of the search by another sharp employee, Edward Riley, who had been monitoring her room, and realizes that Ryan is duping her. Armed men show up at her hotel room but Caruso manages to elude them, taking Martel's phone in the process.

Afterwards, Martel travels back to New York to discuss her operation in Las Vegas with Wayne Sharps. Campus agent Sam Driscoll, who has been performing surveillance on Sharps’ headquarters notices Martel and follows her. Jack Ryan, Jr. and the other Campus operators join Driscoll in New York. Ryan confronts Martel about essentially working for North Korea, asks her to leave Sharps and offers her protection. She scoffs at him and he leaves. Riley visits Martel and invites her to come work for instead Sharps. Martel refuses, prompting Riley to kill her.

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