Angelo Vorano

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Angelo Vorano is a character that appears in the novel, Without Remorse.


In 1970, Vorano was a member of a drug trafficking ring based in Maryland and secretly acted as an informant to police. His fellow drug runner Henry Tucker later learned of his treachery and enlisted the help of Eddie Morello and Tony Piaggi to kidnap him. Through the cover of a thunderstorm, Angelo was taken into the bay on his boat by all three men and was beaten until he fell unconscious.

Despite their efforts, Vorano's boat was spotted the day of the thunderstorm and reported to the U.S. Coast Guard. Under the direction of station commander Paul English, a USCG team led by Manuel Oreza searched the bay the following day. They were too late, however, as Morello later decided to kill an unconscious Vorano and did so by shooting him in the back of the head with his pistol. Vorano's body was then wrapped in fish netting that was tied to six concrete blocks and thrown into Chesapeake Bay. All three men disposed of the boat's sail and later scuttled it. Morello and Piaggi returned to Angelo's body a few days later and saw it being devoured by the native bay crabs. They estimated that it would take another two weeks for the body to be fully destroyed.


  • The shot that killed Vorano was heard by John Kelly who was nearby at Battery Island. Kelly assumed that it had been a kid shooting a muskrat with a .22.