Operation Barren Gardens (GBA)

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For the console version of the mission, see Operation Barren Garden.

Operation Barren Gardens is the forth mission in the Gameboy Advanced version of The Sum of All Fears (Game)


John Clark - Welcome to the C.I.A., folks. We do things a little differently here, but I'm sure you'll fit right in. Your record speaks for itself; you're the best of the best, and we can certainly use your skills. Now, I'm sure you don't want to think about what happened in Baltimore, but it's our job to think about it to make sure it never happens again. We've determined that the bomb that was detonated was in fact a low-yield nuclear device, and that it was shipped into the country from a warehouse complex in Haifa, Israel. Now, we've had our eye on those warehouses for some time. It's a shipping hub for a network of arms smugglers. Your job is to go in to the facility, work your way to the second warehouse and retrieve the shipping manifests you'll find in the office there. We need to know where the bomb came from, and who sent it. Good luck.