Operation Hollow Serpent (GBA)

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For the console version of the level, see Operation Hollow Serpent.

Hollow Serpent is the twelfth mission in the Gameboy Advanced version of The Sum of All Fears (Game).


John Clark - Olson's secretary told us everything we need to know, and Olson himself was taken care of by another operative in Damascus. The trail didn't end with him, however. He was working in conjunction with others, and we've got a lead on them. There's a private investment firm in Vienna that specializes in rich clients with potentially illegal tastes. We think that's the clearinghouse for the money used to purchase and transport the bomb. With that in mind, you're taking a trip to Europe. You'll insert in the back of the firm's main office. Move through the building until you get to the vault, and seize the records there. Don't worry about being too neat. We want this to look like a plain old robbery, so feel free to make a mess.