Operation Razor Scythe

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For the Gameboy Advanced version, see Operation Razor Scythe (GBA).

Operation Razor Scythe is the eleventh mission in Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears.


John Clark - This is it. Just as we thought, one of our fascist friends picked up the laptop yesterday afternoon and took it to the mansion of one Richard Dressler. Our researchers say this man is up to his neck in the neo-fascist movement and has been financing their work for a long time. The conglomerate that worked through that investment house you hit? His. The seed money for the South African mercenaries? His. And now, all signs point to him as the man responsible for organizing the whole plot.

Dressler keeps an impressive mansion here in Vienna. We've caught a break, though, in that it's currently undergoing renovation. That means there's repairmen and equipment everywhere, which gives us a cover we can use to get on the grounds. Once you get there, we've got a little surprise we want you to attach to Dressler's car. Don't worry about finding him and taking him out yourself. No matter what, he's not getting far.

However, a number of his elite bodyguards are likely to be on the premises. Deal with them, permanently. We don't want this hydra growing any more heads after we're done with it. Finally, collect any records of Dressler's you can find. If he's been working with anyone else, we want to know about it.

That's all. You've done a lot of good work to get this far. Now I know you can finish it, and when you do, a lot of good people are going to be able to sleep easier at night.

Mission objectives:

1. Plant bomb in Dressler's car


We want to make sure Dressler doesn't get away. Rig a bomb in his car before you move into the mansion. That way, if he runs, we'll be waiting.

2. Neutralize elite guards


Dressler's bodyguards are scattered throughout the mansion. They're vicious, professional, and deadly. Take them down.

3. Recover Dressler's records.


Grab Dressler's records while you're in the mansion so we can track down anyone else he's been working with and put a stop to any other plans he's cooked up.

4. Go to extraction zone


Once you've taken care of business, get back to the van, and we'll all go home.
