Domingo Chavez

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This article is about the version of the character that appears in video games. For other versions of the character, see Domingo Chavez (Disambiguation).

Domingo "Ding" Chavez is a character that appears in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six.


Domingo Chavez was born in Los Angeles, California on January 12, 1968. He grew up in a poor area of East Los Angeles where he joined a local gang called the Bandidos. In 1979, one of his close friends was killed in a drive by shooting. This event made Chavez realize that there was no future in a gang and prompted him to enlist in the military. After being rejected by the US Marine Corps, a US Army recruiter signed him up in order to meet his monthly quota, despite the fact that Chavez was near illiterate and had not yet earned a high school diploma.

Chavez was first stationed in South Korea to provide security at the DMZ. One night, North Korean infiltrators entered the DMZ and slit the throats of two men in Chavez's platoon. Their bodies were later discovered by Chavez the next morning. Chavez realized how serious his job was and became motivated to master it. He attempted to pay close attention to lectures and take notes but struggled due to his lack of a formal education. His platoon leader noticed this and helped him to earn his GED and a promotion to Specialist Fourth Class by the end of the year.

By 1984, Buck Sergeant Chavez was assigned to Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion of the 17th Infantry Regiment under the 7th Infantry Division near Monterey, California. Chavez was assigned to lead a squad of nine slick sleeves and was eventually promoted to Staff Sergeant. During operations, Chavez and his team became skilled in stealth, raids, infiltration, and intelligence gathering.

In 1988, Chavez received orders to become a drill sergeant with the Army's basic training at Fort Benning, Georgia. Before he could out-process however, a CIA agent named Edgar Jeffries arranged for a meeting with Chavez. Disguised as an Army Colonel, Jeffries recruited Chavez into the CIA's Special Activates Division with the promise of a promotion and a chance to repay his country for all the training it had poured into him. Chavez was placed on a black ops team, CAPER to undertake a secret a secret war against the Medellín Cartel in Colombia. During the operation, Chavez grew to look up to his squad leader, CIA Agent John Clark, who later became his mentor. Following CAPER's exposure, Chavez was rescued by Jack Ryan and Clark after the government abandoned them for political reasons. Chavez later married Clark's daughter Patricia Clark.

In 1991, National Security Advisor Elizabeth Elliot engineers a smear campaign against Jack Ryan, accusing him of having an affair and fathering a child. John Clark and Chavez convince Ryan's wife that the allegations are false. In 1994, Chavez and Clark rescued the former Japanese Prime Minister. In 1996, Chavez helped Clark implement "Plan Blue" which saw the recruitment of law enforcement officers as intelligence officers. This would lead to the formation of the multinational counter-terrorist organization Rainbow in 1999.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

With the formation of Rainbow, Chavez was given the simulated rank of Major in the organization with his new role as leader of Team 2. On February 7th, 2000, Chavez and other members of Rainbow were deployed to London to deal with members of the Free Europe terrorists organization who had seized control of the Belgian embassy and taken hostages. Rainbow managed to neutralize all of the terrorists occupying the building and saved all hostages, including Belgian ambassador Giles Doucet.

Rainbow's success at the embassy impressed Belgians who later called upon the organization on April 15th to deploy to Congo, Africa. Hutu Rebels captured a research outpost in Congo, Africa run by the Horizon Corporation and had taken the head researcher Dr. Catherine Winston hostage. Dr. Winston had discovered the Ebola Brahma virus two years prior and had been working to find a cure which had ravaged the region's cattle population. With Horizon Corporation CEO John Brightling brought on as an advisor, Rainbow successfully rescued and extracted Winston and the other hostages.

Two months later on June 25th, a terrorist organization known as the Phoenix Group gained control of a PetroMech drilling rig in the North Sea, taking the crew hostage and planting bombs throughout the facility. Rainbow deployed to the rig and was able to stop the terrorists and disarm the bombs without any injuries to the hostages. Meanwhile, Catherine Winston was brought on to Rainbow as a biohazard expert due to the growing threat of weapons of mass destruction.

On August 3rd, American and Brazilian national were kidnapped from a Horizon construction site in the Amazon Rainforest and were being held nearby at a former sugar plantation owned by a drug trafficker named Ramon Calderon. The U.S. Presidential Science Advisor Anne Lang and John Brightling informed Rainbow that the construction site was home to the Rainforest 2000 project. This project aimed to construct the "Arch" which was designed to be an airtight, self-contained biosphere which would be used to hunt for new pharmaceuticals in the tremendous biological diversity of the rainforest. Rainbow managed to dispatch Calderon and his men and rescued the hostages.

A few weeks later on August 27th, five tourists at World Park in Barcelona, Spain were taken hostage by Neo-Marxist terrorists. The park's security company, Global Security, requested Rainbow's assistance to quietly resolve the matter as they were set to handle the security at the Olympic Games in Sydney and did not want the publicity. As expected, Rainbow managed to neutralize the terrorists and save the hostages.

On September 5th, the Phoenix Group struck again and took over a dam in Hungary and were seeking to destroy it. An informant within the dam, Roland Kunst, contacted Rainbow and agreed to give valuable information on the Phoenix group in exchange for his extraction from the facility. Rainbow deployed to the dam and managed to stop the terrorists and extract Kunst. Once in custody, Kunst revealed that the Phoenix Group had a cell operating within the United States at a remote compound thirty miles outside of Twin Falls, Idaho and that they were in possession of a biological agent. Fearing that the Phoenix Group intended on unleashing this agent, Clark deployed Rainbow to infiltrate the compound on September 10th to stop all operations and prevent samples of the agent from escaping. Despite this, Anne Lang questioned the validity of Kunst's information and threatened to have the White House disavow Rainbow should any issues arise during the mission. Sure enough, several terrorists managed to escape the facility to a nearby airstrip with samples of the biological agent. Rainbow managed to prevent their escape and obtain the agent but was subsequently prohibited from operating on U.S. soil indefinitely.

On September 13th, members of Free Europe struck again by attacking the Central European Mint in Brussels and taking hostages which was a result of insufficient security by Global Security. Rainbow deployed to the bank and managed to stop the terrorists. Meanwhile, Dr. Catherine Winston analyzed the agent sample taken from the Phoenix Group and found that it not only resembled the Ebola Brahma virus but could infect humans and decimate human populations. Dr. Winston sequenced the sample and was awaiting to obtain the results in order to figure out how the Phoenix Group had managed to obtain the virus. Six days later, however, Dr. Winston was kidnapped by members of the Phoenix Group and held captive aboard a ship named the The Orca's Smile in Southampton. Rainbow rescued Dr. Winston and defused a bomb that had been planted aboard the ship.

Afterwards, Dr. Winston revealed that the tests she conducted on the virus sample confirmed that they were genetically modified versions of the Ebola Brahma virus. Additionally, the only known samples of the Brahma pathogen were being held by the Horizon Corporation, suggesting that Horizon's internal safeguards have been compromised, possibly by Phoenix sympathizers. Dr. Winston stated that once she realized this, she informed Anne Lang who told her not to tell anyone as she handled it. Thirty minutes later, however, the Phoenix Group arrived at Dr. Winston's location and kidnapped her, suggesting the Lang may have betrayed them. Following this revelation, John Clark ordered Rainbow to bug Lang's home in Alexandria, Virginia. A few days later, Rainbow overheard a conversation between Lang and John Brightling, confirming their involvement with the Phoenix Group. Additionally, it confirmed Brightling as the leader and financer of the Phoenix Group's American cell. Rainbow covertly deployed to the Horizon Corporation's HQ in San Francisco and hacked into Horizon's central computer. The files revealed that the Phoenix Group had compromised Global Security at the highest level and that they intend to release the virus at the closing ceremony of the Sydney Olympic Games.

On September 30th, Rainbow deployed to Australia and intercepted a Global Security motorcade, capturing GS CEO William Hendrickson for interrogation. Meanwhile, another Rainbow team traveled back to the Amazon Forest in Brazil to take Anne Lang into custody. Rainbow learns that Ramon Calderon had been set up by Lang as a cover for the Rainforest 2000 project's true purpose as a sanctuary to survive the Ebola Brahma pandemic. Lang had attempted to fake her own kidnapping in order to go into hiding before the virus is released but was ultimately intercepted and captured by Rainbow. Interrogating Lang revealed the Phoenix Group's goal to release the virus and kill the majority of the world's population in order to stop pollution.

The next day, Rainbow finished interrogating Hendrickson who revealed the location of the virus dispersal devices throughout the athletes' village. With this information, Rainbow covertly entered the village and successfully disabled the devices. A few hours later, Rainbow's second team in Brazil traveled to the Horizon Ark. Rainbow successfully arrested Brightling and the remaining terrorists and secured the remaining samples of the Ebola Brahma virus. Brightling and Lang were subsequently found guilty for their crimes and were sentenced to life in prison.


Chavez is ambitious and confident, and he studies everything he sees, looking for new perspectives and lessons. He's an educated career soldier who feels indebted to the military and to his country. His origins were humble, and he has never forgotten the opportunities afforded him by the Army. Chavez is extremely devoted to his wife, Patsy, who is the daughter of John Clark. He regards Clark as a mentor and father figure, and is fiercely loyal to him. A man who watched a childhood friend die on the streets of Los Angeles, Chavez understands the opportunities that were afforded him by the military, and he feels a profound sense of a debt to the Army. He is a natural leader, and an ambitious man who takes pride in his accomplishments. Chavez also knows how to have a good time, and has established a strong rapport with his Rainbow teammates.


  • He earned a B.S. in Political Science at George Mason University in 1995. In 1999, he earned a M.A. in International Relations from the same institution.
  • He is fluent in English, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, and Farsi.
  • Chavez is an excellent light infantry soldier with an exceptional grasp of small unit tactics and close quarters battle. Although small in stature he is powerfully built and agile, a formidable opponent with a wide range of weapons and in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Domingo is known to possess at least 3 Intelligence Stars; one issued in 1994 after a successful operation in East Africa, one issued for John Clark and Domingo during the Japanese conflict, as well as one for his ongoing operations carried out in 1996.
  • Due to the first game diverging from the Rainbow Six novel, the subsequent history of the video game version of Chavez differs substantially to his novel counterpart.
  • The Rainbow Six video games state his birthday to be January 12, 1968, which makes the video game version of Ding Chavez several years younger than his counterpart in the Ryanverse novel series.
