Elite Squad:Wamai

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Template:Infobox Character Ngũgĩ Muchoki Furaha, codenamed Wamai, is a member of Rainbow and is a character featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.

He is unlocked for 35 Intel.


Template:CWMain Born to a Kenyan fishing family, Team Rainbow Specialist Ngügi Muchoki "Wamai" Furaha spent his childhood hunting sharks and collecting lost treasures in the Lamu Archipelago. After serving in the Kenyan Navy and later the Kenya Special Boat Unit, he joined elite PMC Nighthaven as their enigmatic secret weapon. Highly intelligent and unpredictable-not to mention a frequently record breaking freediver-Furaha's long-held belief that he is "not from here" derives from his abnormal physiology, which has drawn the attention of the scientific community.

As the master of situational awareness, Furaha brings his unique gifts to the Elite Squad team. With ObtainR on the rise, he's determined to cut them down to complete zero.



Name Image Description
MAG-NET (Active) File:MAG-NET.png Throws a Mag-NET device at the current target, pulling all the metal explosives from all in enemies in a LARGE RADIUS to it's center, and denoting them. Damaging all enemies in the radius for 50% ABILITY POWER per enemy in the radius.
At Ease (Passive) File:At Ease.png Wamai's calm presence puts all allies at ease and permanently applies -5% CRITICAL CHANCE to all enemies.

Squad Perks

Name Description

Calm Collective
(Faction Perk)
1 Soldier - When damaged for >10% HEALTH with a single source of Ability Damage, R6: Silver soldiers HEAL back 50% ABILITY POWER over 4 SECONDS.
3 Soldiers - Extended to ALL ALLIES POWER.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, Allies receive -10% DAMAGE per enemy targeting them.
File:Composed Perk.png
2 Soldiers - After receiving CRITICAL DAMAGE, allies are able to stay composed and HEAL back 100% of the damage received.
3 Soldiers - Increased to 200% of the damage received.
5 Soldiers - Increased to 400% of the damage received.


Level Cost Base Damage Ability Power Health Armor Resistance
1 N/A


