Henry Delvecchio

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Henry Delvecchio is a character that appears in the novel, Support and Defend.


In 2010, Delvecchio was the National Security Council Deputy of Regional Affairs. Following the attack on Arik Yacoby and her family by armed men, Delvecchio calls for a meeting. He tells the staff gathered there that they have reason to believe that the attack on the Yacobis was a result of a recent data breach, and that the staff gathered in the room will all be subjected to a lie detector test in an effort to find the culprit. He also introduces Darren Albright, Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI, to the room as lead investigator in the case. It is later revealed that the breach originated from Ethan Ross who had shared the files with an international whistleblowing organization called the International Transparency Project.

Template:Characters/Support and Defend