Luis Loyola

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Luis Loyola is a character that appears in the novel, Firing Point. In 2011, he was the second mate aboard the Jade Star container ship.


Hailing from Peru, Loyola lived his life as a sailor. For three years, he worked as the administrative officer aboard a container ship called the Jade Star which was leased by civilian defense contractor Buck Logan. It eventually cost Loyola his marriage, however, and prevented him from regularly seeing his six-year old son. This led him to become an alcoholic and disgrunted over his life as a sailor. On October 18, 2011, the day after his son's birthday, the ship had been transporting an illegally large amount of highly combustible chemicals. After getting off duty, Loyola was on the starboard bridge wing vaping and contemplating whether he should quit being a sailor in order to spend more time with his son. Suddenly, an autonomous underwater vehicle attacked ship. The ensuing explosion beneath the ship threw Loyal head into the steel bulkhead. Loyola got to his knees but was thrown against the rails of the bridge wing and cracked his ribs as the ship's hull tore apart. Loyola then watched as the ship's bow and surged into the sea and brought the rest of the ship and Loyola with it. The incendiary chemicals then ignited into secondary explosions and engulfed the wreckage. The incident left no survivors.

It is later revealed the the Jade Star was among multiple container vessels around the world that were destroyed by Hector Guzman. Guzman had been hired by Logan to destroy his ships in order to distract the United States while Logan siphoned RAPTURE into another program called TRIBULATION, a quantum computer designed to break into highly secure computer systems.

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