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The Makarov is a weapon in the Ryanverse.


It is an East Bloc weapon. The U.S. Marine Corps trained it's men to recognize it.


It is a semi-automatic 9mm pistol.


Patriot Games

The ULA used Makarovs as sidearms during their attack on the Prince of Wales' car at The Mall. Sean Miller drew his after disabling the vehicle with an anti-tank grenade, then stood by the rear door, waiting for the Prince to come out. Jack Ryan, Sr. tackled him from behind, knocking him out, then took Sean's pistol and shot him in the hip to disable him. Meanwhile, the other terrorist had jammed his AK-47 and resorted to firing his Makarov at the vehicle to try and break in. Jack Ryan and the terrorist both shot each other, the terrorist being shot through the heart once and the head twice, and Jack being shot in his right shoulder, shattering it.