Seven Days to the Rhine

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Seven Days to the Rhine is a war game scenario created by the Soviet Union during the Cold War which would essentially reinforce the Warsaw Pact nations that comprised the USSR's western border. The scenario involved a specific sequence of steps that escalated tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States until full scale war was inevitable. These events also ostensibly give the Soviet Union just cause in their 'response' to these attacks.

In the adaptation of the plot by Defense Minister Alexei Petrov and his confederates, the plan is to re-establish the former Soviet Union by executing a series of false flag operations that seemingly justify Russia responding by invading neighboring countries. The plot begins with the assassination of a Russian official on foreign soil (Dmitriy Popov during a diplomatic visit to the Czech Republic). After that the nuclear device(s) developed in Project Sokol are deployed to eastern bloc cities, disguised as American nuclear weapons, it thus implicates the United States in the strike. In the eyes of other nations, Russia is then justified in their next steps which includes invasion of former eastern bloc nation, returning Russia's pre-1991 western border and once again making Russia a nation feared by the international community like the USSR once was.