Igor Loginov

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"It's a g-ddamn cook!"
Jack Ryan, confronting Loganov

Igor Loginov is character that appears in The Hunt for Red October novel and the film of the same name. He is an undercover GRU intelligence officer on duty aboard the Red October as a cook. His mission was to prevent the potential defection or capture of the vessel.


An agent of the Soviet Union's Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), he was placed on board the new Typhoon class submarine Red October to keep tabs on Marko Ramius and his crew. For his mission on the Red October Loginov posed as a cook's assistant.

Seeing that Ramius and nearly all of his senior officers were going to defect to the United States Loginov did his best to stop the ship from reaching US forces. This included sabotaging the experimental caterpillar drive so that they could not run silent and make it easier for Soviet forces to track the Red October down and destroy them. After the drive was repaired Ramius had Ivan Putin's files checked to see if they could determine the identity of the saboteur.

After Ramius and his crew faked a reactor accident Loginov remained on board while the rest of the crew evacuated the ship. Loginov shot and killed one of the officers (Vasily Borodin in the film; Gregoriy Kamarov in the novel). Loginov then went in to the missile silos, intending to blow up one of the nuclear warheads and destroy the ship. He managed to wound Ramius before US CIA agent Jack Ryan confronted him. When Loginov decided to continue with his work to blow up the sub, Ryan shot him several times, putting an end to the GRU agent's life.

See Also