Patti Moon

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Patti Moon is a character that appears in the novel, Shadow of the Dragon.


Moon born in the small coastal village of Point Hope, Alaska. She grew up sailing with her father by fishing and seal-hunting. At age seventeen, she had been in Anchorage for a high school basketball tournament when the USS Momsen stopped at the city for a port call. After seeing a female sailor come ashore from the ship with the skipper, Moon was inspired to enlist with the U.S. Navy after graduation. Moon served six years in the Navy as a sonar technician. After separating from the military, Moon was encouraged by her fellow sailors to go to school. Moon was able get through undergad at the University of Alaska Fairbanks by using her GI Bill. Afterwards, she went on to obtain a first-class graduate degree and doctorate in physics at Oxford Univsersity.

By 2011, Moon was working as a scientist aboard the light icebreaker R/V Sikuliaq in the Arctic Ocean.


  • Moon is known to have a reputation for believing most conspiracy theories she has heard or read online.