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"I want you to have 'em. As a reminder. You may have taken a break from Him, but Allah is with you always."
— Kamal to James Greer

Kamal is a character that appears in Season 1 of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan. A practicing Muslim, he is a close friend of James Greer.


Kamal is a close friend of James Greer and a fellow Muslim. Following Greer's return to Washington, Kamal met with him at a diner to catch up. During the lunch, Kamal asked Greer how long he would be back in town. Greer told him that he would be staying indefinitely, alluding to the fact that he had been demoted to be the new group chief of the CIA T-FAD. Greer then asked Kamal if he had seen his friends Dawud and Malek recently. Kamal said that Dawud still comes to the mosque regularly, prompting Greer to tell Kamal to say hello to Dawud for him.

Finally, Kamal asked Greer if he had seen his ex-wife Jasmine Greer recently. Greer stated that while they were both trying to keep it civil between them for the sake of their kids, he had not seen her. Kamal said that he was sorry to hear this but was glad that Greer had called him. Kamal then suggested to Greer that he could start coming to the mosque again and that everyone would be glad to see him. Greer grunted and admitted that he hadn't been praying recently as the whole reason he had converted to Islam was to marry Jasmine. Understanding Greer's reasoning, Kamal gifted him prayer beads, stating that they were a reminder that while Greer had taken a break from his religion, Allah will always be with him.
