Amy Chang

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Amy Chang is a character that appears in the film, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit.


In 2013, Chang was CIA field operative under Thomas Harper. Chang supports Ryan from a nearby surveillance vehicle during his mission to recover financial files from Viktor Cherevin at his office in Moscow. After Ryan's security breach prompts Cherevin's head of security, Dimitri Lemkov, to return to the office, Chang dresses up as a pedestrian and heads toward Ryan's location. She arrives just in time to take the files from Ryan before he can be searched by Lemkov and bumps into Cherevin to return his stolen wallet and keycard. After they depart, however, Cherevin confirmed Ryan's involvement through security footage and launched an attack on their safehouse. Chang and the other operatives remained unharmed from the attack though Ryan's finance Cathy Muller was kidnapped. After Ryan manages to rescue Muller, Chang and the other operatives fly back to the United States and learn that Cherevin's son, Aleksandr Borovsky intends to launch a terrorist attack underneath Wall Street. Borovsky's attack is ultimately foiled by Ryan.
