Viktor Cherevin

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"Partnerships are delicate, Mr. Ryan. Sometimes they end violently"
— Viktor Cherevin

Viktor Andreyovich Cherevin (Russian: Виктор Андреевич Черевин) is the main antagonist of the 2014 film, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. He is portrayed by actor Kenneth Branagh.


Cherevin had previously been a member of the Soviet Military and served as a soldier in the Soviet War in Afghanistan in the 1980s. He also met Mikhail Yureyovich at this time. After leaving the military, Cherevin became a business tycoon headquartered in Moscow. In 1992, he had a son named Aleksandr. In 2000, Cherevin faked his son's death in order to post him in the United States to act as a sleeper agent. Under direction from the Russian Government, he then started to secretly prop up the Chinese and Japanese economies over the years to leave the entire global economy vulnerable to collapse. In the early 2010s, Cherevin was diagnosed with cirrhosis, possibly due to his love of vodka, and was told that he had three months left to live at best.

In 2013, the Russian Federation lost a key vote before the United Nations and the markets did not respond in the expected manner, causing Russia to declare an economic war against the United States. Cherevin was then directed by the Russian Interior Minister Sergey Sorokin to start selling billions of dollars worth of his shares to start a global recession. To do this, Cherevin activated his son and ordered him to launch a terrorist attack to destroy half of Wall Street in New York City. He then planned to start selling his shares after the attack. The intended result would be to prevent the U.S. economy from recovering by making the U.S. dollar worthless.

Before Cherevin can carry out his plans, however, CIA analyst Jack Ryan discovers Cherevin's hidden accounts and that billions of dollars of money from organizations controlled by Cherevin has disappeared. Working undercover at a bank on Wall Street, Ryan is tasked by the CIA to travel to Moscow to investigate Cherevin. To provide a cover for the visit, Ryan asks his boss at the bank, Rob Behringer to approve of the trip so that he can audit Cherevin's accounts. Behringer agrees after Ryan shows him Cherevin's hidden accounts but warns him to not ruin the bank's relationship with Cherevin as he had entered a lucrative partnership with the bank. After learning of Ryan's trip to Moscow to audit his accounts, Cherevin sends Embee Deng of his security detail to meet Ryan at the airport and kill him once they reach his hotel. Despite this, Ryan is able to fend off Deng and kills him in self-defense.

The next day, Cherevin meets with Ryan at his office and tell him that the problem company and all of its assets have been sold, thus preventing Ryan's audit. He then apologizes for Ryan's wasted trip and mentions how his employee Embee Deng has gone missing in an attempt to get a reaction out of Ryan. Unphased, Ryan suggests that he have dinner with Cherevin at a restaurant across the street as a way to make up for wasting his time. Cherevin agrees and states that he looks forward to it and meeting Ryan's wife Cathy Muller who had unexpectedly arrived at Ryan's hotel. Ryan and Muller meet with Cherevin at the restaurant later that night. Ryan than starts to insult Muller for her to gain Cherevin's sympathy and allow him to excuse himself from dinner. After a CIA operative pickpockets Cherevin's wallet, Ryan uses his personal keycard to gain access to Cherevin's office. Meanwhile, Muller continues to distract Cherevin by discussing their ideologies and similar interests. Due to Muller's medical background, she deduces that Cherevin is suffering from cirrhosis based on his appearance and symptoms. This prompts Cherevin to talk of the hardships he has had to endure in life.

After Ryan manages to obtain a copy of Cherevin's hard drive and financial records on a USB, he attempts to reunite with Muller as Cherevin's security give chase. Upon reaching Muller and Cherevin, Ryan is searched by Cherevin's head of security Dimitri Lemkov. Lemkov does not find anything on Ryan as he had passed the USB to Amy Chang who also bumped into Cherevin to return his wallet. Once Ryan and Muller depart, Cherevin orders them to be followed and proceed to review his building's security footage. Cherevin is outraged to learn that Ryan has stolen data that could jeopardize his plans. He is then chastised by Lemkov, stating that his weakness for women and vodka allowed Ryan and Muller to play him and that his son would be ashamed of him. Enraged at Lemkov's comments, Cherevin promptly shot him multiple times in the chest, killing him. Cherevin then orders his men to attack Ryan's hideout and recover the data. After a brief firefight with the CIA agents present at the hideout, Cherevin kidnaps Muller. He then calls Ryan on Muller's phone and demands that he hand over the USB and not upload the data in exchange for Muller. Undeterred, Ryan catches up to Cherevin as he is about to kill Muller and stops his car by driving a metal pipe through his wind shield. Ryan then pulls Muller from the wreckage and punches Cherevin in the face before driving off.

Cherevin later returned to his office and awaited for his son Aleksandr to launch his attack on New York City. Unfortunately, Ryan discovers Aleksandr's identity and target and manages to redirect his bomb into the Hudson river; the resulting explosion kills Aleksandr. With Wall Street still intact, Cherevin is unable to cripple the U.S. economy by selling his shares. Knowing of the consequences of his failure, Cherevin accepts his fate and agrees to meet with Interior Minister Sorokin in a secluded forest. Cherevin's final words are that "it was always for Russia" before Sorokin's bodyguard shoots and kills him.
