Embee Deng

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Embee Deng is a character that appears in the film, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit.


In 2013, Embee Deng was a part of Viktor Cherevin's security detail in Moscow, Russia. Cherevin later learned of the impending arrival of a bank compliance officer named Jack Ryan who sought to perform an audit on Cherevin's finances after discovering that billions of dollars had vanished. Cherevin ordered Deng to meet Ryan at the airport and act at his bodyguard. After picking Ryan up, Deng transported him to his hotel. As Ryan was admiring the Moscow skyline through his hotel window, Deng attempted to kill Ryan with his suppressed sidearm. This attempt failed as Ryan had noticed Deng raising his weapon through the window reflection. A brawl then broke out between the two men. While Deng had a bigger build, he was unaware of Ryan's training with the USMC and status as an undercover CIA, resulting in Ryan overpowering him. The fight soon ended as Ryan subdued Deng in the hotel bathtub and drowned him.

Distressed after taking his first life, Ryan sent an SOS and is instructed to meet his contact at a nearby park bench in Staraya Square. After returning to his hotel room, Ryan finds that a CIA clean-up crew has taken Deng's body and repaired all of the damage caused by the fight. During Ryan's meeting with Cherevin the next day, Cherevin mentions Deng and casually states that he mysteriously disappeared.
