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Dillon is a character that appears in the film, The Sum of All Fears.


Dillon worked as an analyst at the CIA under Mary Pat Foley. In September 2002, Dillon watched Russian President Zorkin's press conference with co-workers Jack Ryan and Rudy, joking about his weight gain and declining health. Not long after, however, Zorkin suffered a heart attack and died. Alexander Nemerov was subsequently sworn in as President, prompting CIA Director William Cabot to have Ryan join him for an inspection of a nuclear weapons facility in Russia. Ryan discovered that three scientists listed on the facility's roster were missing during the inspection. Ryan and CIA Field Operative John Clark later travel to a former Soviet military facility in Ukraine and find the bodies of the scientists and evidence that a nuclear bomb was constructed and taken offsite in a large crate.

Dillon is called by Ryan on his flight back to the United States and is asked to find the current location of the crate. Dillon pulls the shipping manifests from Ukraine from the last two weeks and tells Ryan that a large crate matching the description was picked up from Kiev International Airport ten days prior. He then goes on to tell Ryan that it was shipped to the Canary Islands and put on a cargo ship for Baltimore. Ryan warns William Cabot who is attending a football game with President J. Robert Fowler. The nuclear bomb is detonated soon after, killing thousands. President Fowler is injured from the explosion but survives though Cabot is mortally wounded.

Dillon was later called again by Ryan from an AFRAT Command Post in Baltimore. Ryan told him that the crate the bomb was shipped in had to have been signed when it arrived at port and asked him to find him the name and Cabot. Dillon told him that they were searching hospitals for Cabot but did not where he was at this time. This prompted Ryan to ask Dillon if Baltimore Memorial Hospital was still intact as it was the hospital where his girlfriend Cathy Mueller worked at. Dillon reassured Ryan by telling him that it was still standing though the phone lines were down. Shortly thereafter, Clark learned the bomb originated from an arms dealer named Derek Olson. With this information, Dillon and Rudy hacked into Olson's computer and learned that the bomb had been sold to billionaire Richard Dressler. Mary Pat Foley then ordered Dillon to find more out about Dressler as Ryan went to the docks to investigate Jared Mason who had been found to be the signatory for the bomb. On Mary's orders, Dillon called police to Ryan's location to help him find Mason.
