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Rudy is a character that appears in the film, The Sum of All Fears.


Rudy worked as an analyst at the CIA under Mary Pat Foley. In September 2002, Rudy watched Russian President Zorkin's press conference with co-workers Jack Ryan and Dillon, joking about his weight gain and declining health. Not long after, however, Zorkin suffered a heart attack and died. Alexander Nemerov was subsequently sworn in as President, prompting CIA Director William Cabot to call Mary and Rudy to bring Ryan into work. Upon arriving, Rudy and Mary briefed Ryan of the situation, prompting Ryan to tell them of how he had written a paper on Nemerov a year before. Rudy and Mary then acknowledged this, revealing that this was the reason Cabot wanted Ryan to join him for a meeting with the senate.

A few weeks later, Rudy assists Ryan on finding the location of a nuclear weapon which he had found was built and shipped out of an old Soviet military facility in Ukraine. They eventually learn that the bomb was shipped to the Canary Islands and put on a cargo ship for Baltimore. Ryan warns William Cabot who is attending a football game with President J. Robert Fowler. The nuclear bomb is detonated soon after, killing thousands. President Fowler is injured from the explosion but survives though Cabot is mortally wounded.

The CIA later learned from John Clark that the bomb originated from an arms dealer named Derek Olson. With this information, Rudy and Dillon hacked into Olson's computer and learned that the bomb had been sold to billionaire Richard Dressler. Rudy and Dillon continued to investigate Dressler as Ryan went to the docks to investigate Jared Mason who had been found to be the signatory for the bomb. Before he got off the phone, Rudy asked Ryan to ask Mason about Dressler, despite Mary's protests that he wait for police.
