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"Are you crazy? All over the world, right wing parties, nationalist movements, Nazis, Aryan Nations, all working together for the first time. Is that not perfect?"
— Herr Haft

Haft is a character that appears in the film, The Sum of All Fears.


A fierce Neo-Nazi, Haft joined Richard Dressler's First People's Investment Firm as a hitman to further their goals to advance fascism across the world. In early November 2002, Haft attended a meeting with other members of the Firm. During the meeting, Dressler told the other firm members the location of their recently acquired nuclear bomb and that it would be transported by Jared Mason once it arrived in Baltimore. Monceau then suggested that they take a different approach to advancing fascism instead of using a nuclear weapon, such as changing how Europe fundamentally thinks. Dressler pointed out that they had already discussed that before and rejected the idea unanimously, prompting Monceau to disclose his belief that their plan was not "perfectly conceived". Haft balked at this comment, stating that fascist groups working together across the world was indeed perfect. Monceau then stated that he had grown uncomfortable with their plans and announced that the was leaving the group. At Dressler's request, Haft handed Monceau his coat as he was departing and then strangled him to death with his scarf.

A few weeks later, Haft traveled to Baltimore to pay Mason a visit. Following the detonation of the nuclear device, Haft met with Mason at the dock and hung him to death with chains. A short time later, Jack Ryan arrived searching for Mason. While Ryan was inspecting Mason's corpse, Haft attacked him from behind and a struggle ensued. Eventually, Ryan was able to get the upper hand and started choking Haft with a chain. Ryan tried to force Haft to give him information on Dressler but was stopped by police who responded to the scene. Haft was subsequently arrested for terrorism and murder for his role in the plot.
