Claude is a character that appears in the Rainbow Six novel. He was a terrorist involved in a plot to get Carlos The Jackal released from prison by taking children hostage at World Park in Spain.
Claude was a member of Action Directe until its dissolution by the French police in 1987. In 1999, Carlos The Jackal had his lawyer notify Claude and other former members of Action Directe of his desire to be released from prison. Led by René, Claude and his associates traveled to World Park to enact a plan that would result in Carlos' freedom. After checking into one of the park's surrounding hotels, Claude was put on standby for the next two weeks as Andre and Esteban gathered information about the park by applying for jobs as a park security guard and a balloon seller.
Two weeks later on April 2nd, Claude and his associates disguised themselves as tourists and launched their attack. It was their hope that by taking the children of Thompson CSF employees hostage, they would be able to force the French Government to release Carlos and other former members of Action Directe. During the initial attack, a World Park employee dressed in Roman Army attire named Francisco de la Cruz reacted by charging Claude with his sword and shield. Despite firing three shots, De la Cruz blocked them with his shield and slashed Claude in his upper arm with his sword. Before De la Cruz could land a fatal blow, however, Claude recovered and shot his left leg three times. After the terrorists corralled the hostages into the park's replica medieval castle, Claude took to the floor to address his wound. While the wound wasn't serious, it still required stitches and caused him considerable pain.
During Rainbow's breach of the castle, Mike Pierce jumped over a desk and shot Claude three times in the side and back. Once Pierce landed, he fired a burst into the back of Claude's head, killing him.