Steve Berg
Dr. Steve Berg is a character that appears in the novel, Rainbow Six.
An employee of the Horizon Corporation, Berg was tasked with developing a vaccine for the Shiva virus in the late 1990s as part of "The Project". The vaccine, dubbed "Vaccine B", was planned to be administered to John Brightling's "chosen few" who had been selected to survive the pandemic. "Vaccine A" contained a sample of the Shiva virus and would be disturbed to the public to kill the remainder of the world's population.
Berg was among the individuals who were brought to the OLYMPUS site in Kansas as the Shiva virus was ready to be deployed at the Olympic Summer Games in Sidney, Australia. Following Rainbow's capture of Wilson Gearing, Berg and the rest of the OLYMPUS occupants were quickly flown to the Project's second facility in Brazil, Project Alternate. A day after their arrivial, however, they were tracked by Rainbow who arrived by helicopter. With Brightling and the other Project members refusing to surrender, Berg was among the individuals ordered by Bill Henriksen to search the nearby forest and kill any Rainbow operatives. While searching with David Dawson, he and Dawson were shot and killed by Mike Pierce and Louis Loiselle.